의식과 물질의 실체-라이브 페인팅
2021. 08. 06. fri - 2021. 09. 01. wed
Chang-Hoon Woo
The Reality of Consciousness and Matter - Live Painting
2021. 08. 06. fri - 2021. 09. 01. wed

이번 라이브 페인팅의 주제는 “의식과 물질의 실체”로 40일에 걸쳐 보여준다.
5 x 2.1 m의 2~3점이 완성될 것이다. 각기 작품의 소주제가 ‘인체’와 ‘순수 에너지’, ‘자연’이 된다.
무의식의 미세한 양자적 카오스 측면과 이에 대비된 존재의 물질성인 의도된 현실을 자연스럽게 중첩하는 작업 방식으로 우주 의식의 발현과정을 직접 체험하는 즐거움이다.
벌써 대작의 라이브 페인팅은 6년 째 이어온다. 대중과 호흡하며 표현되는 형상은 일상과는 다른 커다란 스케일과 감흥이 느껴진다.
심장박동수의 증가, 명료한 의식집중, 상기된 행위들, 시간의 느림현상, 그리고 알 수 없는 무작위적인 의식 정보 에너지들의 폭주... 즉 거대하고 감당하기 힘든 기운을 느끼고 즐기는 행위의 현장이다.
또한 광화문이란 특별한 장소와의 교감도 나에게 변수로 작용되어진다.
The theme of this live painting is “the reality of consciousness and matter”. Over 40 days, 2-3 pieces of 5x2.1 m will be created. The sub-themes of each piece are 'human body', 'pure energy' and 'nature' respectively.
The artist’s practice naturally intertwines the subtle quantum chaos of the unconscious, the intended reality, and the materiality of existence, allowing one to directly experience the manifestation of cosmic consciousness.
The live painting of this work has been ongoing for 6 years. This piece breathes in tandem with its audience, creating a scale so large and excitement so full that the feeling emitted is different from everyday life.
An increase in heart rate, a clear concentration of consciousness, the slowing of time, a rush of the unknown, and bursts of concentrated energies are actions and feelings that mark the piece. In other words, one begins to feel and enjoy a scene of immense energy. This, occurring at a place special to the artist – Gwanghwamun – is an evocative practice.

호흡, 90.9 x 72.7 cm, Oil on canvas, 2020
Breath, 90.9 x 72.7 cm, Oil on canvas, 2020

연결, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
Connection, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

우리들, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
Us, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

정물, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
Still Life, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

창발, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
Emergence, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

이것이 그것이다, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
This Is It, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

다중인격,72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
Multiple Personalities, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

생성, 90.9 x 72.7 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
Creation, 90.9 x 72.7 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

고향, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021
Hometown, 72.7 x 60.6 cm, Oil on canvas, 2021

향연, 130 x 130 cm, Oil on canvas, 2006
Feast, 130 x 130 cm, Oil on canvas, 2006

감춤, 130 x 130 cm, Oil on canvas, 2006
Concealed, 130 x 130 cm, Oil on canvas, 2006
중앙대학교 예술대학 서양화과
개인전 25회
주요 활동 및 라이브페인팅
2020 Le Salon Comparaisons (프랑스)
2019 Affordable Art Fair Singapore (싱가포르)
2014 Karlsruhe Art Fair (독일)
외 다수
2004 한국예술평론가협회 최우수 예술인상
1992 제1회 구상전 회원상
1985 제14회 구상전 공모전 대상
1978 제1회 중앙미술대전 특선
Chung-Ang University College of Art, Western Painting
25 Solo Exhibitions
Main Activities and Live Painting
2020 Le Salon Comparaisons (France)
2019 Affordable Art Fair Singapore (Singapore)
2014 Karlsruhe Art Fair (Germany)
and many others
2004 Korea Art Critics Association Best Artist Award
1992 1st Inspiring Exhibition Member Award
1985 Grand Prize at the 14th Initiative Exhibition Contest
1978 The 1st Central Art Exhibition Special Selection
작품구매문의: 갤러리내일 02-2287-2399
Artwork Purchase Inquiry: Gallery Naeil 02-2287-2399