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전인수 초대전: 옻꽃이 피다 2022.9.30~10.12

작성자 사진: 갤러리 내일 (Gallery Naeil)갤러리 내일 (Gallery Naeil)

최종 수정일: 2022년 10월 11일

전통이 고루하고 진부하다고 여기는 사람들이 많은 이 시대에서 수천 년을 내려온 옻칠(natural lacquer)을 가지고 그림을 그린다면 사람들은 어떻게 생각할까? ‘옻칠로 그림을?’ 이라 생각하는 사람들이 많을 거라 생각이 든다.

예로부터 우리 선조들은 옻칠의 내구성과 우수성을 알기에 무기, 건축물, 가구, 집기류 등 상류층의 전유물로 많이 사용되었다. 우리 조부모님, 부모님 세대에는 흔히 옻칠을 사용한 자개장을 볼 수 있었다.

그러나 서구문화가 급속도로 퍼져가면서, 우리의 생활모습, 습관들도 많이 바뀌어가며 하나 둘씩 사라져 지금은 보기 힘든 것이 사실이다. 패스트푸드, 패스트 패션이 유행하는 이 시대에 옻칠그림이란 어쩌면 시대에 역행하는 작업이라 할 수 있겠다

옻칠은 자연 그 자체이다. 옻나무에서 어렵게 얻어진 수액으로 그려지는 옻칠 그림은 그림을 그리는 계절과 날씨, 온도, 습도에 민감하게 반응하면서 경화되기 때문에 나 자신도 예전에는 그냥 지나쳐버릴 수 있었던 자연환경 변화에 더 민감하게 반응하게 된다. 미세한 환경변화에 솔직하게 반응하며 보여주는 나의 그림과 나는 작업이 시작되면서부터 끝나는 순간까지 서로 무언의 대화를 주고받으며 한 단계 한 단계, 차곡차곡 쌓아 나아가는 것 같다. 작가노트 中

(English) What would people think if they painted with natural lacquer, which has been around for thousands of years in this era when there are many people who consider traditions to be uniform and cliche? I think there are a lot of people who think, "Draw with natural lacquer?" Since ancient times, our ancestors have known the durability and excellence of natural lacquer, so it has been widely used as an exclusive property for the upper class such as weapons, buildings, furniture, and furniture. In my grandparents and parents' generation, we often saw mother-of-pearl using natural lacquer. However, as Western culture spreads rapidly, our lifestyles and habits have changed a lot and disappeared one by one, making it difficult to see them now. In this era of fast food and fast fashion, natural lacquer painting is probably a work that goes against the times

Natural Lacquer is nature itself. The natural lacquer painting, which is drawn with sap obtained from lacquer trees, is hardened by being sensitive to the season of painting, weather, temperature, and humidity, so I myself become more sensitive to changes in the natural environment that I could have overlooked in the past. My painting and I, which honestly respond to minute environmental changes, seem to stack up step by step, exchanging silent conversations with each other from the beginning to the end of the work.

금강도원 80-1 , 140x120cm, 나무에 천연옻칠, 금박. 2022

Desire #2, 120cm, natural lacquer, gold leaf on wooden panel. 2021

Desire #5, 120cm_natural lacquer, gold leaf on wooden panel. 2022

화양연화 #6, 130x130cm, natural lacquer, gold leaf on wooden panel. 2021

Blooming 50-1, 90x110cm, 나무에 천연옻칠, 금박. 2022

Over the Universe, 91x91cm, 나무에 천연옻칠. 2022

전인수 Chun, Insoo


2004-2011 부르클린뮤지엄 근무, 뉴욕

2004 예술경영 석사, 뉴욕대학교, 뉴욕

2002 미술사 학사, 미네소타주립대학교, 미네소타

1998 홍익대학교 미술대학 동양화과 대학원, 서울

1994-1998 동양화과 학사, 홍익대학교 미술대학, 서울

1993 서울예술고등학교 졸업, 서울


2022 전인수 초대전 ‘옻꽃이 피다’, 성옥미술관 갤러리, 목포

2021 전인수 초대전 ‘옻꽃이 피다’, 돈화문갤러리, 서울

전인수 초대전 ‘옻꽃이 피다’, 내일신문사 갤러리내일, 서울

2020 전인수 초대전 ‘옻꽃이 피다’, 갤러리 피랑, 파주

2019 전인수 옻빛전, CJ One Gallery, 뉴욕

전인수 가을 옻빛전, 갤러리 라이프, 서울

전인수 초대전, 아트스페이스 퀄리아, 서울

전인수의 옻빛, 토포하우스 윈도우 갤러리, 서울

전인수 옻칠 초대전, 돈화문갤러리: 질시루, 서울

2018 마니프24!2018 SEOUL, 예술의전당, 서울

‘INFINITY’, 전인수 옻칠그림전, K&P Gallery, 뉴욕

2017 갤러리 라이프 기획초대전: ‘전인수 옻칠 그림전’, 서울

마니프23!2017 SEOUL, 예술의전당, 서울

‘PURENESS’, 전인수 옻칠그림전, K&P Gallery, 뉴욕

전인수 옻칠그림전, 아트스페이스 퀄리아 초대전, 서울

2016 2016 한국구상대제전, 예술의전당, 서울

전인수 옻칠그림전, 갤러리 이든 초대전, 서울

2015 2015 한국구상대제전, 예술의전당, 서울

2014 전인수 옻칠그림전, 웨스트엔드 갤러리, 서울

전인수 옻칠그림전, 아카스페이스, 서울

개인전 21회

국내, 해외 단체전 및 아트페어 50회 이상

Chun, Insoo


2019-2022 Adjunct Professor, Division of Visual Arts, Dajin University, Gyeonggi, Korea

2004-2011 Worked at Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, USA

2004 Visual Arts Administration, MA, New York University, New York, USA

2002 Art History, BA, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA

1998 Fine Arts, MA, Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea

1994-1998 Fine Arts, BA, Hong-Ik University, Seoul, Korea

1993 Seoul Arts High School, Seoul, Korea


2022- Insoo Chun’s Natural lacquer Paintings: Bloom of Lacquer, Gallery Naeil, Seoul, Korea

PLAS 2022, Contemporary Art Show, COEX, Seoul, Korea

Insoo Chun’s Natural lacquer Paintings: Bloom of Lacquer, Seong-Ok Gallery of Museum, Mok-Po, Korea

2021- PLAS 2021, Contemporary Art Show, COEX, Seoul, Korea

ART BUSAN, BEXCO, Busan, Korea

Insoo Chun’s Natural lacquer Paintings: Bloom of Lacquer, Gallery Naeil, Seoul, Korea

2020- Insoo Chun’s Natural lacquer Paintings: Bloom of Lacquer, Gallery Pirang, Paju, Korea

2019- ‘Insoo Chun’s Natural lacquer Paintings’, CJ One Gallery, NYC, USA

Affordable Art Fair Singapore, F1 Pit Building, Singapore

‘Insoo Chun’s Colors of Autumn’, Gallery Life, Seoul, Korea

‘Insoo Chun’s Natural Lacquer Paintings’, Art Space Qualia, Seoul, Korea

‘Insoo Chun’s Natural lacquer Paintings’, TOPOHAUS, Seoul, Korea

PLAS 2019, Contemporary Art Show, COEX, Seoul, Korea

Insoo Chun Solo Exhibition, Don-Hwa Moon Gallery; Jilsiru, Seoul, Korea

Harbor Art Fair 2019, Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel, Hong Kong, China

BEYOND BORDERS, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

NOW.HERE.KYOTO, JARFO Gallery, Kyoto, Japan

2018- SEOUL Art Show 2018, Critic’s Choice Exhibition, COEX, Seoul, Korea

2018 BUSAN International Art Fair, BEXCO, Busan, Korea

MANIF24!2018 SEOUL, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

Eurasia Art Culture Silk Road Special Art Exhibition, Mongolia National Art Gallery, Mongolia

Korea Art Cultural Festival, DDP, Seoul, Korea

“INFINITY; Insoo Chun Solo Exhibition”, K&P Gallery, NYC, USA

2017-‘Insoo Chun’s Natural Lacquer Paintings’, Gallery Life, Seoul, Korea

-MANIF23!2017 SEOUL, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

-“PURENESS; Insoo Chun’s Natural Lacquer Paintings”, K&P Gallery, New York, NY

-‘Insoo Chun’s Natural Lacquer Paintings’, Art Space Qualia, Seoul, Korea

-‘Singapore Contemporary Art Show’, Suntec City, Singapore

2016-2016 BUSAN Inernational Art Fair, BEXCO, Busan, Korea

-2016 Art Figuratif’, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

- ‘Combination,’ K&P Gallery, NYC, USA

-‘EAST MEETS WEST’, George Billis Gallery, NYC, USA

-‘Insoo Chun’s Natual Lacquer Paintings’, The Gallery Edeun, Seoul, Korea

-BAMA International Art Fair, Busan, Korea

-NEW WAVE, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

-Pink Art Fair, JW Meriot Hotel, Seoul, Korea

2015 – ‘2015 Art Figuratif’, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

-Chennai Chamber Biennale, India

- Rhy Art Fair Basel, Switzerland

- Art n Life Show 2015, aT center, Seoul

-The 4th Korea Photo & Art Fair 2015, COEX, Seoul, Korea

-ART KARLSRUHE 2015, Germany

-Palm Spring Post-war and Contemporary Art Fair, Palm Spring, CA

2014 – ART SPECTRUM, Miami, FL, USA


-Seven Colors of Rainbow, Pink Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-Houston fine art fair, NRG Center, Houston, TX, USA

-Insoo Chun’s Natural Lacquer Paintings, WESTEND GALLERY, Seoul, Korea

-Busan Art Market of Galleries Affair, Busan, Korea

-Art Hamptons, Bridgehampton, NY, USA

- Iljowon gallery opening ceremony Exhibition, Seoul, Korea

- The 10th Korean Contemporary Ott-Painting Society Exhibition, Se-jong Art Center, Seoul, Korea

- Art Fair of Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, USA

- Insoo Chun’s Natural Lacquer Painting, AKA SPACE, Seoul, Korea

- AAF Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, China

2013- Winter Salon Ⅲ, Pink Gallery, Seoul, Korea

-Busan International Art Fair, BEXCO, Busan, Korea

-Korean-Chinese Contemporary Ott Painting Exhibition, Se-jong Art Center, Seoul, Korea

-AAF Singapore, F1 Pit Building, Singapore

-Seoul Art High School CELEBRATES ITS 60th ANNIVERSARY, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

-AAF Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, China

-Insoo Chun’s Natural Lacquer Painting, Chilwon, Seoul

-Pink Art Fair, Inter-Continental Hotel, COEX, Seoul, Korea

-Korean Artist Award – MISOOLSIDAE

2012 - The 8th Korean Contemporary Ott Painting Exhibition, Kunsan University, Mok-In Gallery,

Kunsan/Seoul, Korea

2005-2011 - Staff Exhibition, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, USA

2010 - The 7th Biennial National Art Exhibition, The Visual Arts Center, Florida, USA


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